Thursday, August 28, 2008

insert random keyboard slamming here

oh, my...that's just...omg. meetan's so hot, i'm betting she gets into the gravure scene again soon. those pics should be illegal :O

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

um. :X

You guys probably know this by now but this is none other than chou from STAGE48, back with a new fanblog for Meetan. I know I'm going to sound extremely stupid for deleting Meetan no Sekai, and at the moment I'm still not sure why, but I regret it and you can stop reading my blog/call me a dumbass if you want ;-; I'll definitely understand.

Either way I decided to make a new blog for Meetan, with Ohori Meshibe. If Meetan doesn't meet her quota and graduates AKB48, I'll still have this blog and I'll try to update it as much as I can with news of her. But I hope that doesn't come to pass.

So I guess I wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented and read my sappy posts for her xD I appreciate it :3