Wednesday, August 27, 2008

um. :X

You guys probably know this by now but this is none other than chou from STAGE48, back with a new fanblog for Meetan. I know I'm going to sound extremely stupid for deleting Meetan no Sekai, and at the moment I'm still not sure why, but I regret it and you can stop reading my blog/call me a dumbass if you want ;-; I'll definitely understand.

Either way I decided to make a new blog for Meetan, with Ohori Meshibe. If Meetan doesn't meet her quota and graduates AKB48, I'll still have this blog and I'll try to update it as much as I can with news of her. But I hope that doesn't come to pass.

So I guess I wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented and read my sappy posts for her xD I appreciate it :3


hina said...

yay for the first one commenting. xD

but yeah, i was one of those who got really confused and wondered what happened to meetan no sekai. I was about to post that on S48, but i checked the link on your sig and it brought me here.

Anyway, all is good as long as you continue with your fanblog, because i think Meetan is gaining more fans now. Ohori Meshibe is a perfect name for it, for obvious reasons Well then I can't wait for your new posts. Ganbatte ne. ^_^

chou said...

awww, thank you for coming back xD i ought to edit that topic on S48, which i'll probably do right after i finish typing this, LOL.

and i agree, meetan is definitely getting alot more fans, which i think is good for her. i can't wait for her single :D

A! ♥ S said...

uf! thanks God you made a new Blog... I was sad because the other was close :( but is a good change! *.*

MEETAN you're the BEST!

and chou too!